

Strategy is a fusion of art and science, of intellect and emotion, of theory and practice.  For a business, it defines its ends, ways and means.  For its people, it helps harness their conceptual, physical and motivational energy, and to focus ideas, wherewithal and culture.  Organisations differ, but the benefit of strategy is universal.  Done poorly, it can confuse and diffuse; done well, it’s a powerful force-multiplier. 

‘Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.’ - Sun Tzu

Business Management & Organisational Design

The plan and its implementing detail are two complementary sides of the same coin, and we help with the heavy lifting on both theory and practice. An organisation’s policy, process, capability, technology, structure and culture should reflect its strategy – and be reflected in it. It’s fiendishly hard to get right – for small businesses as they grow, and for corporations that have become large. Suitably aligned, tactics can deliver the strategy with remarkable effect; where they diverge or sit in conflict, business outcomes will be frustrated.  

‘Strategy without tactics is the longest route to victory.’ - Sun Tzu

Business Development, Capture Management, Bid Management & Account Management

“The principles of business development and account management are well-known, and success relies on the universal corporate precepts of sound strategy and implementing detail, which place customers at their core.  Our specialism is in Defence and central Government – sectors that present particular challenges.  We work with businesses of all size and lean into the hard yards with (or for) them.  Notably, we help SMEs that find it difficult to sustain the necessary in-house knowledge, skills and experience.” 

‘The customer’s perception is your reality.’ - Kate Zabriskie

Digitally-Enabled Transformation & Continuous Improvement

Most modern-day change is digitally-enabled, but it is nonetheless a mainstream responsibility, with the purpose of supporting an organisation’s business aims.  Data often sits at the heart of change, for the timely and reliable insight it can provide and the decisions it can inform.  Some organisations lose sight of these fundamentals and allow technology to be introduced for its own sake.  The choice of rapidly evolving digital capability should be critical and dispassionate, to reflect need.  It should be suitably contextualised for legacy, ambition, journey, value for money and return on investment.  The case for change – and how change is delivered – should be kept under review.  ‘Boiling the ocean’ rarely succeeds and ‘minimum viable products’ require iterative development to produce anticipated benefits.  We help clients keep business outcomes at the heart of everything they do and ensure that digitally-enabled change remains closely aligned to their strategy.  

‘Technology is a means to an end, not the end itself.’ - Gartner